What others say


We all know results speak for themselves. It can however be inspiring to see what people, who actually booked those results, have to say about the process. By the way,… always trust it, the process. 

A few months ago it was five minutes to midnight. I had once again gained a lot of weight and was feeling unhappy about myself.

It was time for me to choose, either accept that after going through all kinds of diets I had to buy bigger clothes and just accept my new size or I had to make some drastic changes. 

I chose the latter. Through a friend, I ended up with Kennard. 

Kennard truly gives you a custom made coaching experience in a professional, qualitative, empathic and pleasant way.Thanks to him I did not only succeed in losing weight, but also felt more confident and happy as a person.

It wasn’t just another diet. It was a unique approach where you not only look critically at your nutrition, but at all other elements that have an impact on your well-being.

He builds it up systematically and step by step gives you all the tools you need to make the necessary and, above all, lasting changes.

Thank you, Kennard!

Alexandra VS

Knowledge, guidance with accountability, support, focus and purpose. 

Kennard Van Messem offers the complete package with an enormous dose of enthusiasm, practicality and respect! My expectations were high and were fully met by his professionalism. 

I highly recommend the program to anyone who is ready to take an honest look at themselves and make positive changes.

Zillan T.

Before I started with High Performance Coaching, I was trying to do everything myself. I thought I had the knowledge and skills to make it happen, but I just could not get the results I was after.

During our time together I learned a lot about nutrition for High Performance and the mindset that goes with it, which helped me to get in the best shape yet.

Kennard is an exceptional coach who helps you every step of the way and adjusts the process when needed. I highly recommend High Performance Coaching! Don’t make excuses, just do it and you will thank yourself later.

Miek A.

Kennard has a ton of knowledge and is always ready to adjust the program or answer questions.

He learns you to be self reliant and dares you to experiment with different approaches to see what works best for you. I’m proud to say I still use the same methods he taught me and the results are only getting better. I’ve gained 9kg of muscle and wake up every day with tons more energy!

Pieter S.

I had tried everything and was disappointed every time. On the few rare occasions I did get noticeable results, I was not able to sustain it. Honestly, I had given up until the summer of 2017 when I could barely put on my shoes and the shame took over.

With a small heart I reached out to Kennard and long story short, I have never felt better. In just 12 weeks I lost 8kg, did things I never thought were possible for me and gained new insights which help me to sustain and improve on the results. Thank you Kennard for keeping me motivated, asking the right questions and adjusting the program when needed. High Performance Coaching is truly a unique concept which is worth every penny! My only regret is that I haven’t started sooner …

Vicky C.

High Performance Coaching is one of the few systems that just works. The personal approach, the coaching, the valuable information, the check-ins, … it all ensures you will reach your goal and you can sustain your results. If you are determined to get results I highly recommend High Performance Coaching.

Johannes G.

So many times I tried to do it on my own, but I never succeeded over the long term. At a certain point the frustration got too much and I made one of the best decisions in my life: to sign up for High Performance Coaching.
In just a short amount of time you achieve amazing results and Kennard supports you every step along the way. Soon I’ll run my first marathon ever and it’s all thanks to High Performance Coaching.

Don’t dream for it, work for it. Thanks, Kennard!

Jozef P.

Old destructive habits got replaced by new and empowering habits. Kennard works extremely close with his clients and provides useful tips & tricks to support you along the way. The online support and accountability really helps when things don’t go as planned. In no time the program gets adjusted and every week there is a possibility for live Q&A.

Overall I’m very happy with the coaching I received. The program is high quality, super effective and truly life changing. Thank you, Kennard!

Arnout VM

I thought I was doing well, but I there was always something missing. For example when I focused more on my health, the results in my business took a dive. When I would spend more time at work, my relationship would suffer.

Thanks to Kennard I quickly made massive strides in all 4 areas of my life: body, being, business and balance. Kennard helps you to slow down and get clear on what really needs to happen to make an impact. If you have a question along the way, you’ll always get an answer within 24 hours.

High Performance Coaching provided me with structure and guidance which was severely lacking in my life. I’m more efficient, I feel better and I also learned that nutrition is crucial if you want to keep performing at the highest levels possible.

Wim B.

High Performance Coaching gave me the tools to achieve my goals.

You will be challenged physically and mentally, which will cause you to do and achieve things you never thought were possible. It’s a massive boost for your self esteem, resilience, vitality and … life.

Iris T.

I highly recommend High Performance Coaching. Kennard had a ton of knowledge in multiple areas, such as training, nutrition, mindset, business and more. He holds you accountable, keeps things simple and straight to the point. Success guaranteed!

Wout D.

I’m more than happy with the results! Even though I could not fully participate because of sudden health issues the results were way better than expected. The app is easy to use and adds the much needed accountability. Whenever things don’t go as planned, Kennard adjust the program to your needs so you’ll always get the most out of the program. I’m a big fan! Thank you, Kennard.

Leen D.

My experience with HPC was amazing.

Aside from the fact that I went from 16% body fat to 9%, and lost a bunch of weight, the biggest takeaway for me has been the knowledge I have gained throughout the process.

Kennard works incredibly hard to get you where you want to be. It is a joint effort as you will report to him basically everything you are putting in your mouth and what you are doing to burn the calories. So on top of working off a set nutritional plan, both of us kept track of everything relevant that was happening with my calorie intake and training+ cardio. This allowed us to figure out in no time what went wrong if any unforeseen bump in weight were to happen, or I had trouble with cravings at night. There is something to be said about working with a coach who is going to take everything into account and is willing to work with you on every possible issue you might have and come up with an informed solution.

My focus had been from the beginning to get a good nutrition plan that will work for me long term since I always had trouble keeping my weight down once I successfully lost some weight; so every time I had trouble with cravings or when I felt like I was not losing weight efficiently enough, I would go ask him bunch of questions because any one of these things was going to pop up sooner or later even after the program. Kennard has been just great in terms of letting me know what I should do and why.

After the program, I feel like I finally know what it takes to stay in the zone of calorie deficit and what are the kinds of food that will help me with it.

I am sure I will have episodes of mess-ups from here on out, but I think I learned from this program how to minimize the damage and how to get back on track asap and that is going to take me a long way. I have to thank Kennard for that.

I wish I had done this sooner and it has just been a great experience. Thanks Kennard.

Sangjoon W.