Frequently Asked Questions

You’ve Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers!

Looking for something? Below you will find answers to our most commonly asked questions.

If you don’t find what you are looking for, don’t hesitate to contact me.

My name is Kennard Van Messem and I have been working with High Performing Professionals for 15 years. I’m not your run of the mill trainer, but I’m one of the leading experts when it comes to coaching High Performers to thrive in all areas of their lives. By helping my clients develop the body, health, energy and resilience they desire, they can ensure that they live life to the fullest AND perform at their highest level.

Most importantly, I helps others get to the source of their obstacles and why they can’t implement what they already know they should do. My passion to help people get the most out of their life through lasting health improvements is what has helped countless others see success where they had previously failed.

My view on training depends on who the individual is. Their experience, goals and potential struggles allows me to reach into my broad bag of expertise and narrow down to what will ultimately work long term for the individual.

Yes. As cliché as it sounds, coaching is my life.

There is nothing else I would rather do. I am completely committed to you and your goals.

Where most other personal coaches will focus on their program, I focus on you and your results.

I will make you see things you were not aware of before, so you can make positive changes. I will make you believe things you never thought were possible before, so you can start living up to your full potential. And I will make you do things you have never done before, so you can have the live you desire and deserve.

I will not only transform your body, but also transform your life.

Personal coaching cuts through the bullshit, whereas in group sessions people tend to hide in the crowd. Personal coaching allows us to be ten times more effective because there is no place to hide and we can tailor the entire program to your needs, desires and possibilities.

If you truly want to thrive in all areas of your life, it’s the only kind of coaching that makes sense.

Yes. We’ll always start in one of our 3 – 6 – 12 month programs, so we can reach your initial desires result. Afterwards we can continue our momentum and reach new heights with one of the different ongoing membership formula. 

What most Personal Coaches tend to forget is that nutrition is more than just fuel for the body. It’s also a huge part of our social lives and it’s deeply linked to our emotional state.

In order to create an effective and sustainable plan we need to consider and optimize all 3 factors. What this looks like, will be different for every person. That’s why a general approach will never give you long term results.

In most cases this will not be a problem. As a type 1 diabetic and with my specialization studies in different areas of nutrition I can help almost anybody. However always let me know beforehand what your condition is / restrictions are. If I know I won’t be able to help you, I will get you in contact with an expert who can.

I do, but these sessions are limited to Belgium based clients.

Since my time is limited in person sessions are for clients who desire a hybrid (online and offline) approach. I rarely do single in person sessions, but if your goal excites me I might make an exception.

High Performance Coaching Head Quarters is located in Herent, Belgium. But I have clients all over the world (USA, England, China, Romania, Germany, the Netherlands, …)

Sessions are either in English or in Dutch.

As a professional coach this is a no brainer. Of course you can.

Definitely. Let me know a week in advance when your travels are and I’ll update your training and nutrition routine to fit your schedule.

Still haven’t found what you’re looking for?


Can’t find an answer to your question? Please send us an e-mail.
We’ll contact you as soon as possible.